What is a capsule endoscopy?

Capsule endoscopy is a procedure with a camera that sits inside vitamin-sized capsule.  The capsule is swallowed and travels through your digestive tract taking pictures that are transmitted to a recorder that you wear on your belt or waist.

No eating at least 12 hours before your capsule endoscopy and stop taking certain medications.  Discuss all preparations for the procedure with your doctor or nursing staff. Be sure your doctor knows if you have a pacemaker, swallowing disorder, or stricture of the small bowel as these may be relative contraindications to routine capsule testing.

A capsule endoscopy is a safe, non-invasive procedure..  Your healthcare provider may order this test if you have signs of inflammatory bowel disease or other problems with your digestive system.  Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions before the test.

  • 2 hours after-resume drinking clear liquids.
  • 4 hours after-light lunch or snack.
  • 8 hours after-or when you see the capsule in the toilet (which ever comes first), you don’t need to collect the capsule from the toilet it will safely flush. However, follow your doctor’s instruction for packing the antenna and recorder.

Am I a good candidate for a capsule endoscopy of the small intestine? Adults 18 years and older with gastrointestinal bleeding or unexplained abdominal pain may be good candidates for a capsule endoscopy.

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